Ron Panckhurst

‘I have been a collector and book reader all my life. I have a library of around 6,000 books and a special WEST COAST collection of about 400 titles. In terms of very detailed research, maps, diagrams and photographs, Phil Walsh’s book tops the list!

Not a book that you can flip through and casually scan, but one that requires detailed and consistent concentration. It is, however, rewarding as no stone is left unturned and all information is carefully detailed. It also includes a detailed appendix and an excellent index—both a rarity these days. This book ranks at least as well as those other two top WEST COAST authors: Brian Wood and Philip Ross May.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it to those who have an interest in WEST COAST history. It is a worthy addition to any library.’

– Ron Panckhurst, 9 May 2023.

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