“Finished Conquering Cascade today. Congrats on producing this gripping historical narrative. The detail and consistency was mesmerising - in fact if it was any more detailed a molecular approach would be necessary. The research behind it is phenomenal.”

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Tony Marcinowski 24 Oct, 2022

“It is more than 60 years since gifted Ross-born scholar and historian Philip Ross May’s iconic history of the West Coast goldrushes was published. Now, with comparable scholarship, Westport-born Phil Walsh has written another significant chapter of our mining history…I strongly believe that like Philip Ross May’s iconic history, ‘Conquering Cascade’ will also have enduring future value as a significant chapter in New Zealand’s mining history. I highly recommend this outstanding book”.

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John M Keoghan PhD, FNZIAS, 3 July 2023

They said it couldn’t be done, but it worked. Then there was the politics and the unions and climate and a post World War 1 economy to deal with. It’s quite a story, and Walsh’s well-researched book contains plenty of photos to illustrate the times and the conditions the workers endured to get black gold out of the ground."

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Linda Thompson NZME Papers, Saturday, 29 Oct, 2022

“I have been a collector and book reader all my life. I have a library of around 6,000 books and a special West Coast collection of about 400 titles… In terms of very detailed research, maps, diagrams and photographs, Phil Walsh’s book tops the list! This book ranks at least as well as those by the other top West Coast authors: Brian Wood and Philip Ross May. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it to those who have an interest in West Coast history…”

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Ron Panckhurst Canterbury, 9 May 2023

"Walsh covers all the engineering problems, the ups and down of the market, the politics, strikes and double-dealing, but, more rivetingly, the wealth of human stories"

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Peter Stupples Former Lecturer at Otago University, Otago Daily Times, 1 Oct, 2022

“Lots of maps, graphs and diagrams along with a wonderful assortment of historic photographs make this book a genuine collectors item, a historical record of our pioneer history as well as a lasting legacy to those who had vision and toiled so hard in adverse conditions.”

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‘Poppa’ Mike Whittall Tides of Change: The Fishing Paper and Hunting News, Pg 22, Aug 2022 edition.

“Conquering Cascade is a triumph for the author. Those acquainted with Phil Walsh know that beyond the relaxed, affable exterior lies a sharp intellect, an exceptional way with words and an unwavering determination to uncover the truth. The scholarship displayed in this book would do a professional historian proud…. A highly recommended read for any student of New Zealand history.”

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Graeme Marshall New Zealand ‘outdoors’ author, spring 2022.

“…the author has clearly undertaken a lot of preparation, with in-depth details and rich personal stories that come together to provide an informative read intermixed with interesting side stories. Certainly, anyone with Westport family history or an interest in coal mining in that area will find this a good read and reference.”

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David Lott TWR media

“I write to you [Fraser Books] to convey my most sincere congratulations on your work in producing Conquering Cascade. Everything about it is absolutely top class, and it is great to see that a New Zealand printer made the book and has turned out an article which wouldn’t be bettered anywhere else on the planet. Bravo!”

Bill Holvey Blenheim, 20 Nov 2022

“Have just finished reading this, an outstanding piece of work. From the dream of what might be achievable, to the hard-nosed corporate machinations to make it happen, then capped off with the people stories, it’s about as complete a piece of work as I’ve seen.”  

Alec Birch Life-long collector of New Zealand industrial history, Masterton NZ
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